Why I am running to represent my community in the Colorado State House of Representatives:

  • To Address the Unprecedented Rise in Crime
  • Stop bad policies that are driving a Crushing Cost of Living in Colorado
  • K-12 Educational Options that put students first

I am a Colorado Native and a mother of four. Over the past two years, families across our great state were made promises of communities that would be built back better, jobs once lost would be back, and life for all would be improved. Colorado… is life better for you? My name is Vanessa DeMott, and I am ready to work FOR THE PEOPLE!


Bring back fully funded Police Departments. Our children deserve to go to school knowing they have the protection of School Resource Officers they once had regardless of what zip code in Colorado they reside.

Cost of Living:

I work in the construction industry. I know firsthand the rising cost of energy in production and the ability to find those skilled in trades has become a daily struggle in business. Policy that helps invest in workers and rewards businesses with tax cuts for staying committed to Colorado is the right thing to do!

Educational Opportunity:

Every child in Colorado should be guaranteed access to an education that is best for them. Mental health can no longer be separated from daily educational needs in some students. I will fight to bring common-sense policy that allows funding to follow these unique learners.

I have fought for my family, my freedom, and I will continue to fight FOR THE PEOPLE!